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Each winter, more than 200 of South Korea's finest Special Forces soldiers travel to the icy region of Pyeongchang to. For those of you who measure temperature with an F instead of a C, that figure converts to 'nipple-chafing ice planet.' Once they've all stripped down to half-nakedness (presumably so that said nipples can be used as bayonets), the Winter Olympic Games of the South Korean Special Forces begin. In addition to the marathon above, events include wrestling:Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images News/Getty ImagesEveryone's wrestling name is 'Stone Cold.' It isn't all doom and gloom on the Road To Heaven, though.

The trainees' families, wives, and children are all invited to come watch their squealing loved one scream bloody curses of forever hatred. The road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but the Road To Heaven is lubed up with the tears of your family.Once they've received first aid, which we assume includes being mummified in bandages, recruits who finish first get to return to the Road to sing military songs to encourage their comrades.

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Popular selections include 'Somebody Please Kill Me,' 'Give Up And Run Now,' 'Nothing Is Worth This Agony,' and the timeless classic, 'Sweet Lord (My Dick Got Scraped Off On The Coral).' Marine Scout Snipers Have To Bathe In A Rancid Pond For A MonthGhillie suits are those stringy Chewbacca costumes your character wears while hurling digital bullets and devastating insults at complete strangers in Call Of Duty. Additionally, military snipers occasionally use them to blend in with their surroundings, allowing them to deal out sweet, sweet doses of freedom undetected. Now, how do you think the army procures these things?

The pelt of a mythical bird? Or do they just give the Marines a bunch of Endor outfits and tell them to jump in a big puddle of shit? Believe it or not, that last one is pretty close to a correct answer: U.S.

Marine snipers have to put on their suits and, a rancid pool of rotting vegetation and stagnant water. Hey, come on. Who's peeing?

Jesus, people.' Sloshing around in the Pig Pond stirs up slime and mud which helps 'deaden' the ghillie suits (as well as your soul) to stop them from reflecting light. Once you're sufficiently dripping with rotten slime, step two is dropping to the ground and getting some dirt all over your new duds. This part is important, because being seen with a new-looking ghillie suit is as almost as embarrassing as forgetting to take the clearance tag off of your new polo. Also, you'll be spotted by the enemy and shot, so there's that.There's always time to make muck angels. Navy has an even more insane view of what it's like to be on board a sinking ship, and it forces young recruits to.

No expenses are spared to make every element of the simulation as realistic as possible, starting with the 130,000 gallons of water that surround the fake vessel. Bass speakers buffet the ship, but this isn't a cruise dance-floor simulator - they're ramped up so high that they jolt the crew, to simulate being struck with missiles. In debriefings, a mock CNN news program is set up to follow the 'emergency' situation created for the recruits.This one really was an inside job. The recruits are forced to contend with smoke, heat, and flames while attempting to remove fake bodies from the (equally fake) wreckage. There are strobe lights to imitate flashing electrical malfunctions, and heating pads in the walls to amp up the temperature.

Meanwhile, flash fires are simulated using an interesting little trick called Yep, the recruits are faced with a three-second flash of flames, and it's up to them to put it out using a hose of 100 PSI pressurized water, which is strong enough to kill a turkey, should one happen to walk in front of you in there.Or leave you looking like Freddy Krueger took a refreshing shower. Is the most advanced special operations training complex on the planet, leading nations from around the world to travel to Jordan to beat each other's high scores (and, you know, train for war and stuff). KASOTC is constructed as if it was a real town, with over 60 urban structures such as apartments, villas, and office buildings for trainees to use to shoot at each other. There's even an entire simulated airport, complete with mock jets whose dummy passengers stand up out of their seats. We have no idea what specific training simulation would require a plane full of standing mannequins, but the point is, they've got one.For an extra $60, you can pay Steven Seagal to re-create the plot of Under Siege.


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Just about any conceivable unit or task in the Special Forces can be run in KASOTC, be it dog training, explosive entries, extractions from high-rise buildings, or even cutting a few laps around a driving track (reports of chain chomps and banana traps are unconfirmed). They even have special effects: Speakers project hundreds of unique, realistic ambient sounds like shouts, animal noises, crying, and gunfire.

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Best of all, KASOTC has 350 thermal cameras with 360-degree range to capture all the action going on in the compound for their inevitable series of YouTube montages set to songs by Linkin Park. The current Berets are also in charge of spraying gas into holes and tunnels the new recruits are forced to navigate with masks on, as well as the essential duty of liberally firing machine guns all over the training grounds, just in case any newbies get the idea to try to relax for longer than three seconds at any given moment. In between all this team-building, potential recruits are running, climbing, crawling, and cultivating a pure, molten hatred for the soldiers they'll be serving with in the future.' Dance for me, private.' Out of more than 150 recruits who attempted the course in 2012,. That's a pretty bad graduation rate for any class, but to be fair, the article doesn't specify whether the other 133 recruits actually failed the obstacles or if they were just killed in the attempt.Hoss follows you to work, so why not follow him back on Twitter?Also be sure to check out and.Subscribe to our channel to see the kind of people who would probably survive all this shit in, and watch other videos you won't see on the site!Also follow us on, because it's easier than joining the military.