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General Chemistry 1 As A Second Language

General chemistry i as a second language mastering the fundamental skills pdf.1.General Chemistry I as a Second Language: Mastering theFundamental SkillsDavid M. Klein.Publisher: WileyRelease Date:.Get a better grade in General Chemistry!Even though General Chemistry may be challenging at times; with hard work and the right studytools, you can still get the grade you want. With David Klein's General Chemistry as a SecondLanguage, you'll be able to better understand fundamental principles of chemistry, solve problems,and focus on what you need to know to succeed.Here's how you can get a better grade in General Chemistry:Understand the basic concepts: General Chemistry as a Second Language focuses on selectedtopics in General Chemistry to give you a solid foundation.

By understanding these principles, you'llhave a coherent framework that will help you better understand your course. Study more efficientlyand effectively: General Chemistry as a Second Language provides time-saving study tips andproblem-solving strategies that will help you succeed in the course. Improve your problem-solvingskills: General Chemistry as a Second Language will help you develop the skills you need to solve avariety of problem types - even unfamiliar ones!Download Full PDF Here: Author: David M. KleinDownload HereHere to Download Full PDFby TCPDF (

Selected concepts and topics designed to give non-science majors an appreciation for how chemistry impacts everyday life. Students who have received credit for, or may not schedule this course. Is designed for students who want to gain a better appreciation of chemistry and how it applies to everyone's everyday life.

You are expected to have an interest in understanding the nature of science, but not necessarily to have any formal training in the sciences. During the course, you will explore important societal issues that can be better understood knowing some concepts in chemistry. The course is largely descriptive, though occasionally a few simple calculations will be done to illuminate specific information.

Selected concepts and topics designed to give non-science majors an appreciation for how chemistry impacts everyday life. Students who have received credit for CHEM 001, or may not schedule this course. CHEM 003 CHEM 003 Molecular Science with Laboratory (3)(BA) This course meets the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements.

CHEM 003 is a course that includes both lecture and laboratory. It is designed for students who want to gain a better appreciation of chemistry and how it applies to everyone's everyday life. You are expected to have an interest in understanding the nature of science, but not necessarily to have any formal training in the sciences. During the course, you will explore important societal issues that can be better understood knowing some concepts in chemistry.

The course is largely descriptive, though occasionally a few simple calculations will be done to illuminate specific information. An elementary discussion of the chemistry associated with foods and cooking. CHEM 005 Kitchen Chemistry (3) (GN)(BA) This course meets the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements. CHEM 005 incorporates lectures, reading, problem-solving, and ‘edible’ home experiments to develop an understanding of chemical concepts and scientific inquiry within the context of food and cooking.

The course will start from a primer on food groups and cooking, proceed to the structures of foods, and end with studies of the physical and chemical changes observed in foods. Students will develop an enhanced understanding of the chemical principles involved in food products and common cooking techniques. Applications of chemistry to environmental problems, including air, water, thermal pollution; pesticides; drugs and birth control agents; food additives; etc. For non-chemistry majors; chemistry majors will not receive credit.

CHEM 020 Environmental Chemistry (3) Topics include the study of air, air quality, and the effects of various substances that create air pollution. Significant detail is given to ozone and its interactions in various layers of the atmosphere. The study of fossil fuels and hydrocarbon chemistry leads to an extensive discussion of global warming.

Water contamination due to acid rain and acid mine drainage is studied in conjunction with acid-base chemistry. The concept of pH is discussed in detail. Newer sources of energy including fuel cells, photovoltaic cells, biomass fuels, and nuclear energy are investigated with much consideration given to the economics of fuels. These energy topics require a study of electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, radioactivity and organic chemistry.

Biological topics of drug design, toxic substances, pesticides, genetic engineering and food safety complete the course by covering numerous aspects of organic chemistry and biochemistry. Most topics also deal with the associated analytical chemistry of the substances discussed and the challenge of sample procurement, sample preparation, chemical analysis, and result interpretation considering analytical error. Methods of chemistry data presentation to the general public are investigated and ctiticized. Introduction of basic laboratory techniques and data analysis used in environmental chemistry.


CHEM 021 CHEM 021 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (1) This course will provide an introduction of basic laboratory techniques and data analysis used in environmental chemistry. The suggested laboratory experiments will consist of a broad range of scientific inquiry that will enhance the lecture material covered in CHEM 020. The course will provide laboratory experience in the chemistry of air, water, and solids. Experiments have been chosen that have a strong biology component such as Stream Ecology, Toxicity, Testing, and Dissolved Oxygen experiments. These experiments should relate to the and 220 courses. The Chi-Square and Probability experiments will relate to course. The course will be an integral part of the Environmental Studies major providing an experimental chemistry background and experience.

Selected principles and applications of chemistry. Prior study of chemistry is not assumed. Students may take only one course for General Education credit from. Introductory Chemistry (2-3) is an introductory chemistry course designed to prepare students for college level chemistry courses, such as. Introductory chemistry and chemical principles for students who are required to take additional chemistry, e.g., but are unprepared for. Introductory and General Chemistry (5) (GN)(BA) This course meets the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements. Is an extended version of the first-semester comprehensive general chemistry course.

It includes more class time for preparing students so that they learn introductory chemistry and general college level chemistry in one semester. As in, introduces students to the basic principles of chemistry with an emphasis on the relationships between the microscopic structure and macroscopic properties of matter.

Techniques, strategies, and skills for solving problems in general chemistry for students potentially at risk in. Problem Solving in Chemistry (1) The purpose of is to facilitate success in the first semester general chemistry course. Students who need extra help in are strongly encouraged to take with. The course covers the same topics in the same sequence as the concurrent course.

It provides an opportunity for students to develop stronger problem solving skills through active and collaborative learning activities and skill building. Does not satisfy the General Education requirement and will not count toward graduation in some majors.

Is the first semester of a two-semester, comprehensive general chemistry course which introduces students to the basic principles of chemistry with an emphasis on the relationships between the microscopic structure and macroscopic properties of matter. Principles are illustrated with examples from the sciences, engineering and technology, and from everyday life. Topics covered are atomic structure and periodic properties, molecular compounds and chemical bonding, molecular structure, intermolecular forces, the properties of gases, liquids, and solutions, chemical reactions, stoichiometry and thermochemistry. Students may only receive credit for one of or (4 credits). Builds upon the subject matter of, covering the following topics: reaction rates and chemical kinetics, nuclear applications, catalysis, gas phase and aqueous equilibrium, chemical thermodynamics, entropy, free energy, acid-base equilibria, the pH scale, the common-ion effect, buffers, acid-base titrations, factors that affect aqueous solubility, electrochemistry, oxidation-reduction reactions, oxidation states, voltaic cells, batteries, corrosion, electrolysis, transition metals, crystal field theory, molecular orbital theory, bonding in solids, and properties of modern materials.

Uses the same text as and builds upon the subject matter of that course. The course covers the following topics: introduction to organic reactions, polymers and their properties, chemical thermodynamics, entropy, free energy, reaction rates and chemical kinetics, catalysis, acid-base equilibria, the pH scale, the common-ion effect, buffers, acid-base titrations, factors that affect aqueous solubility, the role of the solvent in reaction chemistry, electrochemistry, oxidation-reduction reactions, oxidation states, voltaic cells, batteries, corrosion, electrolysis, transition metals, crystal field theory, molecular orbital theory, and properties of modern materials. Experimental Chemistry II, is the second introductory general chemistry laboratory course in the /113 sequence.

Is meant to complement the lecture course,. The course builds on the material learned in, emphasizing quantitative and analytical procedures. Essential material covered includes proper use of a laboratory notebook, writing a formal laboratory report, use of the chemical literature, experimental design, laboratory safety, introduction into chemical instrumentation, and interpretation of data, including basic statistics. A continuation of with emphasis on topics related to in the context of bioscience.

Experimental Chemistry II - Bioscience (1) is a one-credit introductory general chemistry laboratory course meant to complement the lecture course. This course builds on material learned in. It has the same goals, and covers similar topics to, and for this reason should count as, regardless of major. The main difference is that covers chemical topics in the context of experiments with biological relevance. The emphasis is on quantitative analytical procedures. Essential material covered includes proper use of a laboratory notebook, writing of a formal laboratory report, use of the chemistry literature, experimental design, interpretation of data using statistics, laboratory safety procedures, and an appreciation for what instruments can and cannot do.

The course introduces laboratory experimentation in the context of a variety of specific topics, for example: alcohols; enzyme kinetics; acid-base equilibria and titrations; separations of compounds using paper and liquid chromatography, separations using gas chromatography. GN credit for requires that or also be completed. This course is a one-semester, rigorous college level introductory Chemistry course covering the fundamental principles of general, organic, and biochemistry. One year of high school chemistry is strongly recommended, and students should have math placement beyond the level of Math 021. 3 Credits, fulfills the General Education requirements. Course topics include dimensional analysis, atomic structure and periodicity, chemical bonding, molecular structure, states of matter and intermolecular forces, basic gas laws, solutions and solubility, acids, bases and equilibria, reaction stoichiometry and thermodynamics.

In addition, fundamentals of organic nomenclature, properties of main organic functional groups, structure and function of biological macromolecules, as well as metabolism will be discussed. The course will emphasize chemistry in environmental and health-related contexts. This course is primarily designed for students in a program that does not require the more theoretical and mathematically oriented general chemistry courses (/112), such as some majors in the colleges of Nursing, Agriculture Sciences, and Health & Human Development. It is a suitable prerequisite for the organic chemistry course sequence /203. This course is not appropriate for medical school preparation and will not serve as a prerequisite for the organic chemistry /212 course sequence.

Students majoring in chemistry, other natural sciences, or engineering will normally register in the /112 sequence. Consult your advisor and the instructor if you have questions about vs. Introduction to organic chemistry, with emphasis on the properties of organic compounds of biochemical importance. Because of duplication of subject matter, students may not receive credit for both. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry I (3) is a one-semester, comprehensive course that introduces the students to the fundamental principles of organic chemistry including relationships between the molecular structure of organic compounds and their macroscopic properties.

Some of the principles are illustrated with a variety of examples from nature and everyday life. The course covers the following topics: alkanes; alkenes, including polymers; alkynes; benzene and aromaticity; alcohols and phenols; ethers; aldehydes; ketones; carboxylic acids and their acyl derivatives; amines; alkyl halides; nomenclature; stereochemistry, including conformational analysis and chirality. Chemical reactions of the functional groups will be discussed along with the mechanistic details, including stereospecificity, of some of these processes. Biological molecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, steroids, peptides/proteins and nucleic acids, along with their importance in living systems, will be surveyed. Introduction to organic chemistry, with emphasis on the identification of organic compounds by characteristic chemical reactions and by spectroscopy.

The course involves both lecture and laboratory. Because of duplication of subject matter, students may not receive credit for both. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry II (3) is a one-semester organic chemistry course that has both lecture and laboratory components. The lecture introduces students to the basic theory and application (structure determination) of different types of spectroscopy (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy) and mass spectrometry.

Certain chemical reactions learned in will be reviewed along with the mechanistic details of some of these processes. Special topics such as drug discovery, natural product isolation, and synthesis will be surveyed. The laboratory teaches students the fundamental techniques used by organic chemists such as recrystallization, melting point determination, distillation, extraction, thin-layer chromatography, and column chromatography. Mastery of these basic techniques lays the foundation for carrying out organic syntheses and/or natural product isolations. Students are given hands-on access to instrumentation for the characterization of synthetic products or organic unknowns using standard analysis methods such as IR, NMR, UV/V is spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, polarimetry, HPLC, GC and GC-MS.

Students are responsible for writing laboratory reports for all experiments. Bonding theories for organic molecules; stereochemistry and conformational analysis; reactions (and mechanisms) of alkyl halides, alkenes, alkynes, aromatics, and alcohols. Organic Chemistry I (3) Organic chemistry is an essential subject for many scientific disciplines, particularly those in the life, materials, and chemical sciences, as well as chemical engineering. The fundamentals of organic chemistry, as developed in, the first part of a two-semester organic chemistry sequence, are required for scientists to understand the electronic structure and reactivity of simple and complex molecules. Concepts taught in include hierarchical bonding models (Lewis dot, valence bond, molecular orbital), Lewis acids and bases, conformational analysis and stereochemistry, functional groups and their reactivity (alkenes, alkynes, alkyl halides, dienes, aromatics, alcohols, and ethers), organic reaction mechanisms focusing on electrophiles and nucleophiles, and aromaticity.

Organic Chemistry Second Language Pdf

Successful students will understand and be able to apply various structural and reactivity models to solving problems in organic chemistry. Principles and theories; nomenclature; chemistry of the functional groups; applications of spectroscopy. Because of duplication of material, students may not receive credit for both.

Organic Chemistry I - Honors (4) Chemistry 210H is the first semester of an in-depth two semester survey of organic chemistry. It should be followed by Chemistry 212H. The concentrated and fast-moving pace of this course is facilitated by four class periods/week, seven (biweekly) hour exams and an evening recitation dedicated to the informal discussion of the subject material covered in previous or pending hour exams.

This course will emphasize the mechanistic underpinning of organic chemistry. That is, students will not only learn what happens in organic chemistry but also, and more importantly, why and how. It is hoped that students will develop an intuition for the structure, function and reactivity properties of organic compounds which is of fundamental importance for subsequent studies in the life, material and chemical sciences. The course begins with an introduction to the structural aspects of organic compounds and an appreciation of the three-dimensionality of the subject based upon the important concepts of molecular orbital theory, valence bond theory, hybridization and conformational analysis. Reaction mechanisms and organic synthesis, two important topics that are emphasized throughout the course, are introduced early in the context of addition reactions of alkenes and alkynes. Perhaps the most abstract/vexing topic in organic chemistry is next encountered, namely, stereochemistry. These fundamentals are then used to explore the reactivity properties of various classes of compounds including substitutions and eliminations of alkyl halides, free radical reactions of alkenes, isomerization and cycloadditions of conjugated pi systems, and electrophilic substitution reactions of aromatic compounds.

Continuation of. Emphasis is placed on the role of organic reactions in biological chemistry. Organic Chemistry II (3) This course will continue to build upon the important concepts learned in the prerequisite course, with an emphasis on reactions mechanisms and organic synthesis. The course will begin with conceptually new material that will be applied in the laboratory course, namely, the elucidation of the structures of organic compounds using mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

General Chemistry 1 As A Second Language Definition

The majority of the new material is concerned with the chemistry of carbonyl compounds and includes: 1) the nucleophilic addition reactions of ketones and aldehydes; 2) nucleophilic acyl substitution reactions of acid chlorides, anhydrides, esters and amides; 3) carbonyl alpha-substitution reactions and 4) carbonyl condensation reactions. The latter part of the course will be concerned with biologically relevant compounds such as amines, amino acids/peptides/proteins and carbohydrates. Continuation of (H). Emphasis is on the chemistry of carbonyl compounds, spectroscopic analysis and pericyclic reactions. Organic Chemistry II - Honors (3) is the second semester of a comprehensive year-long treatment of introductory organic chemistry at an advanced level. Is recommended but not required.

This honors course focuses more on depth than breadth, and will delve into some of the more modern approaches/theories to key topics. Most of the material derives from the chemistry of carbonyl compounds. The classic topics - carbonyls as as electrophiles and as nucleophile (enolate) precursors - will be covered. In addition, discussions of stereochemical selectivity issues will provide the framework to introduce contemporary concepts of stereoelectronic and steric effects into these topics. For example, Cram, Felkin-Ahn and chelation-based models for stereoselective addition of nucleophiles to aldehydes/ketones will be developed, as will chiral auxiliary chemistry for stereoselective enolate addition reactions. In addition to carbonyl chemistry, an introduction to spectroscopic techniques for compound characterization will be included.

These techniques include mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Finally, a survey of pericyclic reactions, along with the molecular orbital (stereoelectronic) underpinnings of chemical selectivity observed in these processes, will be pursued. Class grades will be based on 5 exams, 5 (out of 6) homework assignments, and a final exam. Basic laboratory operations; synthesis and chemical or instrumental analysis. Because of duplication of subject matter, students may not receive credit for both. Laboratory Organic Chemistry (1-2) A strong foundation in organic laboratory skills is provided by this laboratory course. Laboratory work includes learning the basic techniques and recrystallization/melting point determination, distillation, liquid/liquid extraction, thin layer, chromatography and column chromatography.

Mastery of these basic techniques lays the foundation for carrying out a number of organic syntheses or natural product isolations. Students are often provided with hands-on access to instrumentation for the characterization of synthetic products or organic unknowns using standard analysis methods such as IR, NMR, UV/V is spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, polarimetry, HPLC, GC and GC-MS. Chemistry 210 is a prerequisite and may be. a co-requisite for this course, because they provide the theoretical background for the reaction chemistry as well as the spectroscopic characterization of organic molecules.Note: The number of credits and meeting times vary from location to location.

Some locations offer as two one-credit courses to be taken in sequential semesters, whereas other locations offer as a single-semester two-credit course. Normally, the latter format involves two 3-hour labs per week in addition to extensive written work outside of the laboratory. The prerequisite / concurrent requirement for does not apply when is taken as a 1 credit course. Basic laboratory techniques learned in context via theme-based modules, spectral analysis, multi-step synthesis, and professional scientific writing. Because of similarity of subject matter, students may not receive credit for both.

Laboratory in Organic Chemistry - Honors (2) A strong foundation in organic laboratory skills is provided by this laboratory course. Laboratory work includes learning the basic techniques and recrystallization/melting point determination, distillation, liquid/liquid extraction, thin layer, chromatography and column chromatography in a specific context via theme-based modules. Mastery of these basic techniques lays the foundation for carrying out a multi-step synthesis for the Team Project assignment, which may require the use of more advanced laboratory techniques.

Students are required to write professional final reports (ACS-style) for each experiment. Students are often provided with hands-on access to instrumentation for the characterization of synthetic products or organic unknowns using standard analysis methods such as IR, NMR, UV/V is spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, polarimetry, HPLC, GC and GC-MS. Is a prerequisite and a co-requisite for this course, because they provide the theoretical background for the reaction chemistry as well as the spectroscopic characterization of organic molecules. This pedagogically innovative course will be team taught by an instructor from the English department and one from the Chemistry department. Both instructors will be present in the classroom throughout the semester, providing joint presentations and leading discussions.

The integration of humanities and natural sciences domain content will encourage students from humanities and natural science backgrounds, as well as other interested students, to take the course and learn how to integrate these two domains of knowledge in their education and their lives after leaving Penn State. This course teaches both basic concepts of chemistry and their cultural elaboration in literature, and it models a critical assessment of the implications of chemistry and literature emerging from a shared cultural field, rather than autonomously from two separate cultures. The course seeks to provide students with a nuanced understanding of how literature and science inform each other and negotiate cultural, religious, and political tensions. Understanding the origin and development of these ideas, perspectives, and discoveries is an essential component of science and scientific achievement, but too often our methods of teaching science focus almost exclusively on teaching facts and theories at the expense of the historical discovery, creation, and development of those facts and theories. This courses teaches both the scientific facts and theories and the contexts of their production in order to sharpen students' abilities at critical evaluation of facts. The literary and scientific focus will vary from class to class, but may include writings by literary authors such as Mary Shelley, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Bram Stoker, H. Wells, Garrett Serviss, Aldous Huxley, Roald Hoffmann, Carl Djerassi, Don DeLillo, William Butler Yeats, Arthur Machen, D.H.

Waite, Aleister Crowley, Arthur Conan Doyle, Camille Flammarion, and Rachel Carson, and scientific texts by scientists such as T.H. Huxley, William Crookes, William Ramsay, Frederick Soddy, Ernest Rutherford, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, Henri Bequerel, J.J. Thomson, Niels Bohr, and Marie Curie. Key concepts of environmental chemistry. The specific focus of this class will vary from class to class, but all sections will spend approximately 40% of the class on units specifically devoted to key concepts in basic chemistry, 40% of the class on literary interpretations of and influences upon concepts in chemistry in specific historical periods, and 20% of the class on significant methods of theorizing the boundaries between and interrelationships of science and culture., and on the concept of the 'culture of science.' However, these subjects will be interwoven throughout the semester. Indeed, the pedagogy of the course depends upon the literature and the science not being neatly separated from each other.

Ochem As A Second Language

Instead, students will learn up-to-date science while exploring the origins, development, and cultural dimensions of that science, and will learn to integrate their understanding of the domains of science and the humanities through the course. The course will be offered once every year with approximately 20-35 seats per offering.