Posted  by  admin

How To Charles 3.5.2 For

  1. Charles Proxy Android

Interesting to note that the Mac version of localhost install, actually has script that uses to side load an update/upgrade to core code. Suggest Softac folks look into git for their installs and updates/upgrades. Git deals only with core code.


Charles Proxy Android

So there could be a 'catch 22' IF something isn't scripted to check compatibility of plugins. Right now, I do that with moosh and the time taken to check has avoided 'train wrecks' in advance of upgrades.You might pass these 'tidbits' along to Softac folks.Suggest operator make use of the environment check that exist in Moodle right now to be aware of what changes an upgrade would require. Wii firmware 4.1e pc. Just to check Softac 'awareness'.2 cents worth.' Spirit of sharing', Ken.