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Download Fritz 11 Opening Book

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  1. Droidfish Opening Book Download
  2. Fritz 11 Chess Software
  3. Fritz 13 Download Free

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The philosophy behind Fat Fritz has been to make it the strongest and most versatile neural network by including material from all sources with no such 'zero' restrictions, such as millions of the best games in history played by humans, games by the best engines including Stockfish, Rybka, Houdini, and more, endgame tablebases, openings, and so on. If it was deemed a possible source of improvement, ‘zero’ or not, it was used. Even millions of exclusive self-play games were created, but tweaked to create content that was more aggressive and speculative to learn from and mold its style. The only material that was not used to train Fat Fritz, out of principle, was content from the Leela project itself, as this was developed by their community for their neural networks.After over a year of development, thousands of hours of computer time and human effort, we feel this will enrich analysts and players with creative and unique moves, all of the highest quality, to explore openings and the middlegame. While there is no question that making sure the engine can bring the highest standard is vital, and worry not it is there, it would be quite uninteresting to present an analyst that was essentially exactly the same as Engine X, except 20 Elo better. Instead, a contrasting point of view, no less strong, is far more interesting, and of far greater use.Over the past weeks, many games, matches, and articles on its virtues, but instead of just throwing more mind-numbing results — however good — the following game speaks far louder than words on what sort of player it is.This was a draw (yes, a draw, but what a draw!) between Leela and Fat Fritz in a game played without a book by Fat Fritz.

It played the French defense, and took a line that is considered by theory to be quite bad for Black, and saved it with novel moves, and then gave up pawn after pawn to fight with dynamic play. This DVD gives you the key to start out with the French Defence. GM Yannick Pelletier is a specialist of this opening, and believes that the most efficient way to understand its ideas, plans, and typical structures is to study classical lines.For, everything is 25% off!Important note: While Fat Fritz is already incredibly strong, its development is not over, and over the next months, owners of Fritz 17 will enjoy upgrades to the neural network.LeelaMany fans of Leela have complained about the complications in the installation process and requested a solution by ChessBase. As such Leela will also come installed with its best neural network (and you can always use another of course) and configured for use on the spot.

Hopefully this will help bring more users and admirers to their project as a result. The Graphics Card questionReaders will have seen that to use Fat Fritz and Leela properly you will need a solid graphics card. There really is no way to get around this. The neural network weights are a massive file with tens of millions of values that comprise its vast knowledge of the game, and while the calculations are all done on the CPU, the graphics card, thanks to its unique design, is used to read the neural network and feed the CPU the evaluation for every position it examines. Even though Fat Fritz might be running a thousand times slower than conventional engines, it will still provide top analysis, but without a graphics card the experience will be only useful as a demonstration, and will be slower by a factor of 1000-2000.If you wanted an excuse to get a fancy new graphics card, you can now tell your better half, 'but honey, it's for chess!'


Photo: ZotacThe recommended hardware is an Nvidia RTX 2060 or faster, but the better the card, the better the experience. Needless to say, a graphics card will also bring far more advantages than just running Fat Fritz, such as, 3D graphics, video rendering, AI development, and more. On the upside, nearly any computer can use this and there is no need to buy an entirely new machine. The Fat Fritz in the Engine Cloud runs on a quite modest quad-core CPU (five years old), though bolstered by two fast RTX 2080 video cards. True percentile outputOne of the characteristics of the neural networks is that they learn and evaluate a position based on winning chances.

Fat Fritz will break this down into not only the overall winning chances, but the expected wins, draws and losses. This is useful since saying a position has a 50% chance won't tell you if that means it expects 50% wins and 50% losses, or just 100% draws. Fritz 17 has been modified to allow users to see this pure output of the neural network.There is a new engine output option “Display win probabilities” that is active by default.When you run the engine you will also see the breakdown at the bottom. You can see the first is the overall win rate, followed by the details of the wins, draws and losses.Learn Chess Openings with Fritz 17In Fritz 17 you will find several new opening management and training functions: Manage your openings with 'My Moves'The new opening repertoire in Fritz 17 is called 'My Moves'.

It is separate for White and Black. You add variations to your repertoire by clicking on a move anywhere in the program and marking it as 'My Move'. This will include the whole variation up to this move into your repertoire. Marking moves is the only way to store variations, but this also saves a lot of time from entering moves one by one, copying from a source.Manage and drill your opening repertoireYour 'My Moves' repertoire is stored online. You can access it from any machine, and also from a web browser. But the goodies don't stop there.

Imagine you are watching a live game in Playchess, whether a casual blitz, or a broadcast from a top GM tournament. Even then you can instantly check to see if a game played is following an opening from your repertoire.In the LiveBook in Fritz (and via the web app as in the image below) the moves will be color coded, and you can see if the move is in your repertoire already. If it isn't, just click on it to add it.Blue = This move is in your repertoire for White.Green = Move is in your repertoire for Black.Cyan = You play this move with both colors. (an asterisk) = Marked as 'My Move'. (to asterisks) = Marked as 'Important for me'. Memorizing Opening VariationsChess database software creates a seductive illusion. The well structured management of opening variations in your personal analysis creates the impression that one can reproduce them easily over the board.

Of course pure opening research is fun. However for practical success you really have to be able to recall everything from memory.

Fritz 17 introduces the Drill as an efficient and entertaining way to help with this.When Drilling, you play your lines and Fritz answers in a way that you stay within your prepared repertoires. Moves are played according to their frequency in master games.After some time, Fritz 17 detects which variations you know well and which you don’t. Then the shakier systems are offered more frequently so that you can solidify your memory in an efficient way.The drill dialog displays your ‘Memory Score’ If you reproduce the correct move for a position five times in a row, this position is counted as fully learned and scores one point. You have learned your repertoire 100% if you achieve this for any position. Standard RepertoiresFritz 17 provides access to standard opening repertoires for nearly every prominent line in chess.

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Those repertoires are regularly updated to current theory and recent games on our server. You can either drill them with Free Drill or upload them to ‘My Moves’. Or you pick single lines by marking moves.

Of course you may simply store them in your traditional databases. Open a list by calling Openings → Standard Repertoires.

Click on any entry and it will automatically load.Standard Repertoires are available in four levels: Easy – Club – Tournament and Professional. This saves work: As a normal club player you don’t have to extract the best moves from a deeply nested professional repertoire suitable only for master level players. Opening Theory 'Laid Back'The best way to memorize opening variations is to execute moves physically. On the screen or even better on a board. Your brain will be more engaged in what you do. However, sometimes at the end of a long day you just might want to lean back, relax and leave mouse and keyboard untouched.To satisfy this, Fritz 17 introduces the replay of variation trees. You can watch your repertoire being played out on the screen.

Lines are picked randomly and repeated as often as you like. Just let it run, set the speed and watch.Standard Repertoires and Full Tree Replay Blitz & Train on Playchess.comStill, learning is not just memorization, and improving upon one's games is a key part of it all. Here too new functions will now go through your games, or games of your choice, to highlight mistakes, combinations, or sacrifices, and present them as ready-made exercises you can solve on your computer, or print out for yourself or your students.You can print out the puzzles just like a book, with diagrams first and the solutions at the end.Blitz games contain tactical errors. Errors usually happen at interesting positions, so you can learn from them. Since the last version of Fritz, games played on are analysed automatically, but that brought a dilemma:Should one look at the analysis or play the next game?The new function “Blitz & Train” helps with this: It creates training material from your online games, no matter whether they have been played today or last month. A few clicks and you can print exercise sheets from your own games.

Click the tab 'Training' in the Playchess section of Fritz:The option Sacrifices finds exercises with beautiful moves, while Blunders asks for the best move in position where one side blundered. 3D boards with Ray TracingWith the arrival of the newest generation of video cards from Nvidia, Ray Tracing has now become a reality in real time. In a nutshell the idea is that it is able to calculate and show light reflections from surface to surface in all of the incredibly complex relationships such as sunlight bouncing off a wall, which gives a lighter light, filtered through humid air, and so on. ChessBase has now introduced this added layer of realism to its 3D boards, with full control over every aspect if such is your desire.The menu will now offer the option between the CPU built ray traced boards and the new GPU acceleration.The options are enormous and even include fancy optical effects such as background blurring.Needless to say, if you do not have a graphics card that can handle this, or do not want it, the classic 3D boards are still there for your enjoyment. We hope you enjoy Fritz 17! Fritz 17 represents one of the most ambitious and progressive versions ever, bringing to you tools that should help all players contend with modern problems.

From the challenges of memorizing and studying complex opening theory, to easily reviewing games with a focus on improving your practical skills, to bringing what is bound to be an amazing addition to your arsenal of tools: Fat Fritz. In fact, Fritz 17 brings not one engine, but four: a brand new Fritz 17 engine, the new custom made neural network Fat Fritz with its penchant towards cutthroat chess, the well-established Leela with its very Karpovian approach to chess in a no-headache installation, and Stockfish itself. Plus a surprise in the near future!Want to know more? Here are previous articles on Fat Fritz. The introductory position of the Kasparov Gambit can occur after 1 d4,1 Nf3 and 1 c4, which can appeal to a wide range of players. The usual move order is 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 Nf3 cxd4 4 Nxd4 e5!?

5 Nb5 d5 6 cxd5 Bc5 bringing us to a very sharp position. On this 60 mins, FIDE Senior Trainer Andrew Martin argues the case from the Black side, showing both classic Kasparov masterpieces and games from the present day and suggests that White's defensive task is not easy. This is a practical gambit which will help players at all levels to win more games. It is ideal for must-win situations with Black. It is a gambit that White cannot decline,as if he does, Black gets a good position instantly. White must take up the cudgels and fight!

I am really liking the implementation of Fat Fritz with the explicit probabilities (overall - win - draw - loss) for the evaluation. I am finding it very interesting - especially for candidates that have comparable traditional evaluations. Really helps to illustrate that not all equal positions are equal:P Is there a way to also output the probabilities rather than the pawn equivalent eval with the LC0 engine for comparison?Also I noted that the setup for LC0 through Fritz 17 seems to have optimized for my graphic card better than my manual installation previously did. I have '-rtx' options for both Fat Fritz and LC0 that are providing significantly better kN/S performance than I was getting with my manual install. If we update our graphics driver is there a need to redo that optimization - and if so how do we re-run it?Thanks! what constitutes a 'BETTER' video NVIDIA card insofar as Fat Fritz is concerned?

Is it higher memory clocks? Higher core clocks? More CUDA cores? Is it a combination of some or all of these attributes? Is there a formula that one could apply to determine which cards are best? AND, I take it that the more cards, the better - such that having 4 cards allow Fat Fritz to play stronger than it would if one used only 2 of the same cards.not necessarily a linear increase in playing strength, but an increase nonetheless?

This looks like a nice upgrade and I got it on day 1, but as with every previous release in its early days, it has quite a few bugs around the new 'My Moves' functionality. For example, when watching a fritztrainer video, switching to 'My Moves' tab will append all the notation from the training video to 'My Moves'. Another problem I found is that 'My Moves' tab contents doesn't get updated as I mark select moves in the notation tab - I need to click 'Load white' every time to have 'My moves' show latest moves as I work them out. Yet another: 'Drill' functinality is only available when starting Fritz in 'Easy game' mode from the startup screen for some reason.In general I like the promises of Fritz 17 but having these fundamental bugs is a little annoying, I hope they can get patched quickly. In the meantime, extra care recommended with 'My Moves' functionality before putting too much effort into creating a repertoire (and having it messed up).

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FRITZ 17The giant PC chess program, now with Fat Fritz.At the turn of the century, Fritz fascinated the chess world with victories over Garry Kasparov and then-reigning World Champion Vladimir Kramnik. The 'most popular chess program' (according to German magazine Der Spiegel) offers you everything you will need as a dedicated chess enthusiast, with innovative training methods for amateurs and professionals alike, plus access to the full suite of ChessBase web apps, including the Playchess playing server. About eSoftwareUSCF Sales now offers a convenient eSoftware option for many of our best-selling software titles. Rather than having to wait days for the disk to be delivered to you, you can now download it via the Internet and enjoy it almost instantly on your computer.NOTE: ALL ELECTRONIC (E) SOFTWARE SALES ARE FINAL.eSoftware FAQsHow do I download my new eSoftware?Once you have completed the purchase, you will receive an email that contains instructions on how to download your eSoftware.

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Fritz 11 Chess Software

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